Grilled Aubergine and Zucchini Salad

grilled zucchini and aubergine

Grilled Zucchini and Aubergine

Simple and easy to make, on top of being really healthy, this dish is a classic Italian side. In Milan, it is almost always served as a side with fish roasted in the oven. Here is my version.

Healthy/Vegan/Gluten free

Serves 2

  • 1 Aubergine
  • 1 Zucchini
  • handful chopped Parsley
  • 1 lemon and its zest
  • 1 crushed garlic clove
  • one finely chopped chilli
  • sea salt/pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons high quality Italian olive oil
  • shaved paremesan/optional

First make your dressing. In a tight container, place your parsley, crushed garlic, lemon and zest, chili, sea salt and pepper, and olive oil and shake rigorously. Set aside. If you want to use parmesan, take a vegetable peeler, as it will make cool little curls, and shave about 3 tablespoons worth into a bowl and set aside.

On a mandolin, slice your aubergine and zucchini lengthwise. Place your aubergine in a bowl and salt well and set aside for half an hour. This releases its bitterness. Heat a grill pan to very high heat. Leave it dry. Place your zucchini in the pan and grill until you start to see the marks coming through to the other side. Flip each piece with a fork. Do this in batches and place on a paper towel to crisp up. Rinse off the salt from the aubergine, and dry very well with paper towels. Repeat the same process in the grill pan as you did with the zucchini. Take a large plate and fold the grilled pieces over each other around the plate, alternating between the two.

Drizzle your dressing over the grilled vegetables and sprinkle with parmesan.

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