Persian Cavolo Nero

Persian Cavolo Nero and Green Mango with Pink Pomegranate Honey Mustard Dressing

I did a dinner recently where I used some pink pomegranate seeds with a tuna carpaccio and a cheesecake and I had some leftover and didn’t really know what to do with them. I found them at the Sunday Marylebone Food Market the other day and they are stunning- sweet, punchy, and mellow. could not be thrown away. I also had some Cavolo Nero (black cabbage, skinny italian cousin of Kale) handy and no tomatoes or anything sweet to balance it’s heavy weighty black cabbage-ness. I also had half a green mango leftover from a Som Tam salad. E voila! A really cool combination, extremely healthy, and I think beautiful with smoked fish, grilled yoghurt marinated chicken breast or simply some poached eggs. Or you can eat it on its own for a filling vegan dinner.

1 large bunch of Cavolo Nero, stems removed (slide your fingers from bottom of stem to top of leaf and stem will easily pull away. You can also use Kale or red Cabbage for this dish…)

pic persian cavolo nero

1/2 red onion diced fine

4 green onions, whites go into steamer, green stays out for the salad

1/4 shredded green mango (green apple could work fine here, too)

5 cloves garlic sliced fine

1 cup pomegranate seeds

2 tablespoons each of chopped dill/parsley/coriander/mint

2 lemons/one for steam/one for dressing

3 tsp mixed seeds or soaked buckwheat kernals (optional)

2 chilis/one green one red

2 tablespoons za’tar (a mix of thyme,sesame seed, and sumac)

2 tablespoons of Harissa spice (dry or paste- this mix consists of cumin, chili, coriander, garlic, mint, caraway, and cayenne pepper)

1 tablespoon honey mustard

2 tablespoons of Balsamic

2 tablespoons agave syrup (honey or maple syrup is ok)

1 tablespoon olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

Prepare your cavolo nero, and then wash and chop into thick chunks. Place into a steamer with your garlic, chili, red and green onions, spices, and lemon. Season and then steam for ten minutes or until very soft (but not mutilated). Meanwhile, chop your herbs and place in a bowl with all of the seeds, shredded green mango, and scallion tops.

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pic persian cavolo nero 2

Make your dressing by combining the mustard, balsamic, olive oil, agave, and lemon and season to taste. When the cavolo nero is done steaming, place into the bowl and mix well.


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